About Me
Academic Profile
2021 - Present  Cornell University
- Master of Financial Engineering
2017 - 2021    Tsinghua University
- Economics and Finance, Bachelor of Economics
- Sociology (2nd Major), Bachelor of Laws
2019      Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
- Economics and Business, Exchange Student
Skill sets
Programming:  Python, R, C/C++, STATA, SQL
Languages:  English, Mandarin, Japanese
Research Interests
Quantitative Strategy, Portfolio Optimization,  Index Tracking
Past Projects
See ‘Projects’ category in Archives
Travelling, Translation (Japanese<->Chinese), Hiking, Piano
More info
Website Overview
A demonstration of posts in time-line format, with ‘search’, ‘category’ and ’tags’ in the right side bar for quick search or quick filter.
In this section, the posts are archived in both categories and years. Here, ‘category’ contains:
- Past Projects: posts for past projects with brief introduction to the project topic, data source, methodology and conclusions.
- Ongoing Projects: posts for recording ongoing projects.
- Travelling: photo wall for past journey in different countries.
- Fansub Group Works: archives for past fansub group translation works that are uploaded online, including interviews, varieties, premieres, etc.
- Misc: any other posts
Global search within the website.